Be kind to little old ladies; you'll be one yourself one day!
I was needing my fix. There was no denying it. I had to have it. So I got in the car and headed off with the intent to cure what ails me.
I drove directly to the Speedway station that has the great big 32 oz frozen drinks, on sale all month for only 79cents. Yep, that ought to do it. 32 ounces of frozen coke, my daily caffiene fix. Breathing a sigh of relief. Now I'll function.
There's a Dairy Queen attached to the Speedway - one that used to only serve ice cream. But they've added a full menu now, and in celebration they are giving away free chili dogs today. Ok, a chili dog. But the big guy behind the counter booms out "You're a tiny little thing - you need 2!" and despite my protest, 2 chili dogs land in the cardboard tray. I can't eat 2 chili dogs. Jona's not home. What am I supposed to do with 2 chili dogs? I thank him and leave.
As I pull out of the Speedway, some dude on a construction crew lets out a whistle. Ok, reality check. I'm 40, honey - we all know it's the car that caught your eye and not the chick driving it. Silly boy!
I head back down Marsh Road, listening to Carly Simon singing "I know nothing stays the same, but if you're willing to play the game, it's coming around again". I've got the top down on my little silver car and the sun is delightfully hot. Hmm... I think I may have needed the sunlight and fresh air as much as I needed the caffiene. This is exquisite.
I spot a tiny little old lady struggling with a grocery bag from the Save-A-Lot and recall seeing her walking toward the store on my way to find caffiene. Now, in the 95 degree heat, she is returning home with her groceries.
I am the child of a law enforcement family. I am the granddaughter of the chief of police. I am the daughter of the county sheriff. A woman alone does not stop to offer a ride to a stranger. Period.
Sorry, Dad!
I pull to the curb, turn the music down and ask her if she's ok. She looks at me cautiously as she wipes the sweat from her forehead and nods. I ask if she lives at the Grange - it's a senior development about 2 miles down the road. Another nod. I ask if she'd like a ride. She looks frightened, but looks like she really wants to say yes. I put the car in park and the hazard lights on. I walk to where she's standing and say "It's just you and I - com'on, it's ok" and take her bag for her.
She grins as she gets into the car and says "I've never ridden in a convertible before". In that moment, I see my Grandma. Now, this lady looks nothing like my Grandma ... not at all ... it's just that those were the exact same words that my own Grandma spoke to 16-year-old me, when I showed up in my "new" 16-year-old Mustang to take her for a ride! The same Grandma who taught me to be nice to old ladies - yeah, Gram, you're right ... I'm fast becoming one!
She introduces herself as Maggie, and giggles when the wind blows thru her hair. Her eyes dance with laughter, and her pleasure is clear. She shares that her son used to come to bring her groceries every month, but he's busy now and even though he lives closeby he just doesn't have time for her anymore.
I take a deep breath, really wanting to get home, and ask if we should drive the loop around the lake. It's no big deal, just a 5-mile jaunt, my old jogging route before I fell ill in January. The look in her eyes is an absolute "yes". I offer her a chili dog, and as we take in the beauty of the blue water, she says "A ride, lunch, and a new friend - and all in one day".
I smile as I drop her off at home. I am blessed. Sunshine, lunch, and a new friend - all in one day.
I drove directly to the Speedway station that has the great big 32 oz frozen drinks, on sale all month for only 79cents. Yep, that ought to do it. 32 ounces of frozen coke, my daily caffiene fix. Breathing a sigh of relief. Now I'll function.
There's a Dairy Queen attached to the Speedway - one that used to only serve ice cream. But they've added a full menu now, and in celebration they are giving away free chili dogs today. Ok, a chili dog. But the big guy behind the counter booms out "You're a tiny little thing - you need 2!" and despite my protest, 2 chili dogs land in the cardboard tray. I can't eat 2 chili dogs. Jona's not home. What am I supposed to do with 2 chili dogs? I thank him and leave.
As I pull out of the Speedway, some dude on a construction crew lets out a whistle. Ok, reality check. I'm 40, honey - we all know it's the car that caught your eye and not the chick driving it. Silly boy!
I head back down Marsh Road, listening to Carly Simon singing "I know nothing stays the same, but if you're willing to play the game, it's coming around again". I've got the top down on my little silver car and the sun is delightfully hot. Hmm... I think I may have needed the sunlight and fresh air as much as I needed the caffiene. This is exquisite.
I spot a tiny little old lady struggling with a grocery bag from the Save-A-Lot and recall seeing her walking toward the store on my way to find caffiene. Now, in the 95 degree heat, she is returning home with her groceries.
I am the child of a law enforcement family. I am the granddaughter of the chief of police. I am the daughter of the county sheriff. A woman alone does not stop to offer a ride to a stranger. Period.
Sorry, Dad!
I pull to the curb, turn the music down and ask her if she's ok. She looks at me cautiously as she wipes the sweat from her forehead and nods. I ask if she lives at the Grange - it's a senior development about 2 miles down the road. Another nod. I ask if she'd like a ride. She looks frightened, but looks like she really wants to say yes. I put the car in park and the hazard lights on. I walk to where she's standing and say "It's just you and I - com'on, it's ok" and take her bag for her.
She grins as she gets into the car and says "I've never ridden in a convertible before". In that moment, I see my Grandma. Now, this lady looks nothing like my Grandma ... not at all ... it's just that those were the exact same words that my own Grandma spoke to 16-year-old me, when I showed up in my "new" 16-year-old Mustang to take her for a ride! The same Grandma who taught me to be nice to old ladies - yeah, Gram, you're right ... I'm fast becoming one!
She introduces herself as Maggie, and giggles when the wind blows thru her hair. Her eyes dance with laughter, and her pleasure is clear. She shares that her son used to come to bring her groceries every month, but he's busy now and even though he lives closeby he just doesn't have time for her anymore.
I take a deep breath, really wanting to get home, and ask if we should drive the loop around the lake. It's no big deal, just a 5-mile jaunt, my old jogging route before I fell ill in January. The look in her eyes is an absolute "yes". I offer her a chili dog, and as we take in the beauty of the blue water, she says "A ride, lunch, and a new friend - and all in one day".
I smile as I drop her off at home. I am blessed. Sunshine, lunch, and a new friend - all in one day.
A beautiful story, beautifully told.
Southern jezeBelle, at 6:36 AM
Kate you are such a wonderful woman. You gave me goose bumps.
Hugs to you xx
PinkCat, at 11:57 AM
Thank you. Well done!
I needed that but now I want a ride!
Valerie - Still Riding Forward, at 12:35 PM
I am not even worthy to know you...but I'm awfully glad I do.
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM
Sounds like a great day! That was so great of you to stop and do that, not many people would... worked out great that you had the extra chili dog!
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
The Good Lord knew you were going to need an extra hot dog to share with a friend
Anonymous, at 2:03 PM
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